The angel investing community has historically been a walled garden where an exclusive handful of investors could reap huge returns from investments in promising startup companies. Our mission here at VDOSH is to tear down that wall and open up the world of angel investing to investors everywhere. Through VDOSH, investors can invest in startups alongside the major players in the angel investing industry, enjoying the same benefits as the professionals as well as support from VDOSH’s own in-house experts.
VDOSH is opening a new frontier – an exciting world of profit and innovation where investors worldwide can get in on the ground floor of the cutting edge and help bring tomorrow’s technologies to life. The VC Funding has transformed the creative world, and now it’s poised to do the same to the world of angel investing, allowing accredited investors to own a stake in up-and-coming tech companies without having to worry about researching and vetting them before putting their money in – we do the hard work of reviewing these opportunities for you. Our team of experts has its finger on the pulse of the tech industry, and their insight guarantees that both investors and startups who take advantage of our platform can look forward to valuable partnerships.
It’s an attractive image, the truly self-made success – the kind of person who does all their own research, makes all their own decisions, negotiates all their own deals, and ultimately reaps all their own profits. If you could spend every waking moment immersing your mind in the world of tech and angel investing, that’s exactly the kind of dream you could live.
But why dream of building your own angel investing empire someday when you can join our community of experienced investors right now? VDOSH is more than just an investing platform: our members include some of the biggest players in the angel investment community, so we can offer both an exclusive first look at new opportunities as well as the kind of leverage you can only get from investing alongside the pros. When entrepreneurs start new ventures, they come to us for advice – so we know about the most promising new startups before anyone else.
When you invest alongside the pros, you get to invest on the same terms as the angel investors who first put their money into our deals. We are always on the same page as those lead investors, so you can expect quick and comprehensive responses to any questions you may have. We can’t guarantee that investing through VDOSH is risk-free, but we’ve done everything in our power to mitigate whatever risk there is: we have the experience and expertise to recognize the best opportunities and ensure you always invest on the best terms. Some of these startups are even co-managed by our angels, so you get a chance to contribute to the wealth-making process yourself.
Just think about how much more you could accomplish if you didn’t have to spend so much time looking for funding. Think about how much more capital you could raise in less time if you had access to an entire slate of investors looking for a promising startup to invest in. Think about how much more quickly you could build and develop your business with that kind of ready access to money. This is precisely what VDOSH has to offer.
With VDOSH, you can get in touch with expert tech investors worldwide, all of which are interested in funding startups just like yours – without ever leaving the comfort of your office! No expensive plane tickets to far-off locations necessary: our platform gives you a place you can pitch your vision to investors, establish a rapport with them, and tell them everything they need to know about your business. And since VDOSH gives investors a chance to invest on the same terms as your lead angel investors, you don’t have to write up agreements for each individual investor.
By funding your venture through VDOSH, you gain ready access to a well-established network of advisors, partners, and investors. If your venture needs entry into a particular market, an introduction to a vital customer, or advice from an expert, VDOSH can make that connection for you.